Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It is obvious isn't it? I killed my deadline for my book

Well, yes I did kill my deadline [I'm a little bit bloody]but this latest book [whenever I'm finished] will be legitimized by a literary agent and published by some existing legitimate publishing house as opposed to the vanity published familiar Echoes --This book [Echoes] was filled with heart wrenching after heart wrenching stories, several mistakes that the keen eye can recover but BUT the story was well written and everyone that read it did so in one day or two the book has 373 pages. I am considering reediting the first edition and possibly hawking my wares to a talented literary agent. I need to know the ramifications of this provocative move. Not enough people read this story; a story filled with tips and secrets to life that I as a writer and woman picked up along the bumpy road. I will attempt to blog at least three times per week with my process. I wonder if my ONE follower is still following? lol And if I might say so I try my best to give it to you as raw as possible ... And so I take my leave for today Bon Jour!

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